Reconozco, no obstante, que hay una amplia gama de actitudes ante este fenómeno. Ayer mismo mantuve una conversación con un amigo que vive en Hirakata, cerca de Osaka (Japón). Me confesó que el año de la pandemia había sido para él una oportunidad extraordinaria de crecimiento personal. Muchas de las medidas que en Occidente son chocantes (distanciamiento social, uso de la mascarilla, etc.) forman parte de las costumbres japonesas, así que no ha supuesto para ellos ningún esfuerzo añadido. Mi amigo insistía en que la pandemia es como un SOS que nos lanza la naturaleza: “Paraos un poco, pensad qué tipo de mundo estáis construyendo, cambiad la dirección”. Sin ponernos demasiado espiritualistas, podríamos decir que está siendo como una larga Cuaresma mundial en preparación de una Pascua trasformadora.

Quisiera creer que las cosas van en esta dirección, pero no puedo disimular mi escepticismo. Los verdaderos cambios son frutos del entusiasmo, no del cansancio. Es cierto que una crisis nos ayuda a romper viejos esquemas y a abrirnos a otros nuevos, pero a condición de que nos entusiasmemos con algo mejor. La mera destrucción del pasado no prepara automáticamente un nuevo futuro. Hace unos días me referí al libro “Soñemos juntos. El camino a un futuro mejor”. En él, el papa Francisco ofrece pistas para la etapa de reconstrucción que nos aguarda. Nos invita a proceder “de abajo arriba”, a redescubrir nuestra común condición de pueblo sufriente que peregrina hacia una patria mejor. No percibo que exista entre nosotros esta mística colectiva.
Pasar del antiguo paradigma del “sálvese quien pueda” al nuevo del “salvémonos
juntos empezando por los más débiles” nos va a llevar tiempo. Supone un
profundo cambio de mentalidad. O, por decirlo en términos cristianos, una
conversión. Sabemos por experiencia que las conversiones solo se producen
cuando nos sentimos “tocados” por una realidad que nos sobrepasa. No hablan del
mismo modo acerca de la pandemia quienes han padecido sus consecuencias en
carne propia que quienes la contemplamos desde el burladero de los medios de comunicación.
En las semanas pasadas varios primos míos se han visto infectados. Algunos han tenido
que ser hospitalizados. Uno de ellos, tras superar la prueba, escribía en su
cuenta de Facebook: “No nos tomemos el bicho a broma, de verdad. No
debemos actuar con miedo, eso no, pero sí con un poco de cabeza porque a
cualquiera nos puede tocar y todos tenemos ese alguien más débil de lo normal y
con riesgo de perderlo. Reflexionadlo un segundo, de verdad”.

Cada día me convenzo más de que el gran salto consiste en
pasar de un estilo de vida demasiado centrado en el propio yo a otro en el que
articulemos armoniosamente nuestra red de relaciones. O, dicho de manera más técnica,
del “ego-sistema” al “eco-sistema”. Soy consciente de que a muchos
puede parecerles un simple juego de palabras, pero creo que este “paso” (pascua)
expresa bien lo que intuyo como camino de futuro. Occidente tiene que entrar en
“modo humildad” (tras siglos de liderazgo cultural) y aceptar la sabiduría que
viene de Oriente y de muchos pueblos originarios de otras partes del planeta.
Los cristianos tenemos la oportunidad de redescubrir un Evangelio fresco,
demasiado recubierto todavía por capas moralistas, canónicas y devocionales que han ido
empañando su fuerza trasformadora. Intuyo que tendré una gran tarea interior
durante las semanas que estemos en “zona rossa”. Buen fin de semana a todos.

At the gates of the "zona rossa"
From Monday, March 15 to Tuesday, April 6, ten regions of Italy (including Lazio) are in "zona rossa". Back to the restrictions. Italy divides the zones into four colors (white, yellow, orange, and red) according to the Rt index (contagion index). Since this classification was implemented, Rome has never been in a "red zone". We will experience its consequences starting next Monday. It is true that human resilience is almost infinite, but it seems to me that the number of people tired after a year battling the pandemic is increasing. It is a very short time compared to the Second World War (1939-1945) or other disasters, but we, accustomed to a breakneck pace, are not prepared for such a long break.
I recognize, however, that there is a wide range of attitudes. Just yesterday I had a conversation with a friend who lives near Osaka, Japan. He confessed to me that the pandemic year had been an extraordinary opportunity for personal growth. Many of the measures that are shocking in the West (social distancing, use of masks, etc.) are part of Japanese customs, so it has not been an added effort for them. My friend insisted that the pandemic is like an SOS from nature: "Stop for a while, think about what kind of world you are building, change course". Without getting too spiritualistic, we could say that it is like a long worldwide Lent in preparation for a transforming Easter.
I would like to believe that things are going in this direction, but I cannot hide my skepticism. Real change is the fruit of enthusiasm, not fatigue. It is true that a crisis helps us to break old patterns and open up to new ones, but only if we are enthusiastic about something. The mere destruction of the past does not automatically prepare a better future. A few days ago I referred to the book "Let's Dream Together. The Road to a Better Future." Pope Francis offers clues for the stage of reconstruction that awaits us. He invites us to proceed "from the bottom up", to rediscover our common condition of suffering people on pilgrimage towards a better homeland. I do not perceive that this collective mystique exists among us.
Moving from the old "every man for himself" paradigm to the new "let's save ourselves together, starting with the weakest" will take time. It requires a profound change of mentality. Or, to put it in Christian terms, a conversion. We know from experience that conversions only happen when we feel "touched" by a reality that surpasses us. Those who have experienced the pandemic first-hand do not speak in the same way about it as those of us who watch it from the media's gazebo. In the past few weeks, several of my cousins have been infected. Some have had to be hospitalized. One of them, after passing the test, wrote on his Facebook account: "Let's not take the bug as a joke, really, we should not act with fear, no, but with a little head because anyone can touch us and we all have that someone weaker than normal and at risk of losing it. Think about it for a second, really".
I am preparing myself psychologically and spiritually for a second confined Holy Week, to return to the "sepulcher" and to mature in silence a new Easter time. After a year, I have become accustomed to a rhythm of life that is too domestic and routine. I don't think it will cost me much to extend it for a few more months. But it is not simply a matter of holding on, waiting for the storm to pass. The great challenge is to revive, to prepare myself for a more human way of life, to reconfigure my relationships with myself, with others, with nature, with time, and with God. These were the themes of the retreat that I guided through the YouTube platform last July.
Every day I become more and more convinced that the great leap consists of moving from a lifestyle that is too centered on the self to one in which we harmoniously articulate our network of relationships. Or, to put it more technically, moving from the "ego-system" to the "eco-system". I am aware that to many this may seem like a simple play on words, but I believe that this "passage" (Passover) expresses well what I sense as a path for the future. The West has to go into "humility mode" (after centuries of cultural leadership) and accept the wisdom that comes from the East and from many native peoples from other parts of the planet. We Christians have the opportunity to rediscover afresh the Gospel, too much covered by moralistic, canonical, and devotional layers that have been tarnishing its transforming power. I sense that I will have a great inner task during the weeks that we will be in "zona rossa". Good weekend to all.

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